Tuesday, 30 April 2013
Friday, 26 April 2013
Sunday, 14 April 2013
Media Evaluation
Evaluation - Rohit Kahlon
The first task required me to produce opening
scenes of any form of broadcast by the company Silver Lining Productions. My
group and I saw a gap in the market for a reality dating show. We then decided
on the genre which would be comedy and also the target audience of
mainstreamers between the ages 16-25. While researching we decided to include a
secondary audience consisting of educated, middle class demographic (ABC1), the
aim for us was to produce opening scenes which would hook the audience straight
away and urge them to carry on watching. The opening scenes show the first of
many dates for a woman who is aiming to find love and become a Wag which will
be shown on E4. The second task then required me to produce a souvenir magazine
cover and a double page spread which would feature inside of it. For this I
appealed to a female audience aged between 16-35.
The first thing we did was research other
reality show openings - we watched shows such as "The Year of Making
Love" and "Snog Marry and Avoid". We analysed the codes and
conventions of these shows and saw that there was range of different camera
shots in the first few minutes, we then decided that we would use a range of
shots such as; 'Close ups and medium shots' to hook the audience. We also saw
that there was music in the opening scenes so my group and I decided to also
add music, and if we picked a song on the recent music charts, this could
appeal to our audience of 16-35 year olds and as the aim was to entertain the
audience, it could help audiences escape from their everyday lives for the
duration of the show. We also decided that the characters had to be young so
all of our characters were under 25. Furthermore we decided to use Todorovs theory of structure of the narrative
of equilibrium, disequilibrium and new equilibrium for our show as even though
it is a fly on the wall reality show, we decided that we can use Todorovs
theory and structure the narrative.
We then went on to carefully choose our target
audience, as a group we decided that our primary audience would be 16 - 25 year
olds who are mainly women, this is because we realised that a dating show would
appeal more to a woman than a man. They would tend to be ABC1, people who
enjoyed watching TV more than working, we also decided to target strivers who
attach importance to their image and status. The problem with deciding on what
target audience arose when we realised that the show must be shown during the
'watershed period', it meant that we would have to make sure that there were no
swear words and no violence shown, after filming we found that we did this very
well and the opening sequence did not feature any swearwords or violence. So it
stayed in the guidelines of the brief and the 'watershed period'. We also went
through the OFCOM website and double checked if we had gone against anything in
OFCOM but we realised that everything was in the guidelines.
After this we finally began to film, during
filming we decided to use a range of settings, one of our settings was Arsenals
Emirates stadium where we filmed a scene of the Wag, the Wag would walk up the
stairs up to the stadium and when she walks into the stadium she realises that
it is shut, instead of it being Saturday like she thought, it's actually
Wednesday, she then begins to complain and say's how she came to see Ronaldo
play when truly Ronaldo plays for a different team, the interviewer then
corrects her and points out her mistake. We used a variety of shots in this
scene such as; close up, long shot and a tracking shot. All these shots pointed
out her emotions and feelings towards being in the right place at the wrong
time. The problem we faced here was that we were not actually allowed to film
at Emirates stadium due to the fact that we did not have a press pass, so then
secretly filmed very quickly and finished without the security finding out.
Another key moment was when we filmed in Southall, we decided to film on a very
sunny day, this ending up being problematic as the scene we were filming was
another character walking towards the camera, he then stops and introduces
himself, while talking to the interviewer, his phone begins to ring and it is
his mother ringing, he then lies and says he is filming for a Hollywood movie
which turns out to be a lie. The problem we had with this shoot was that the
camera would not set with the light and it was either very dark or very light,
we then covered the top of the camera and filmed where we found the quality was
much better. We also filmed a scene in a fast food restaurant called 'Roosters'
this was a scene where the Wag would come and meet her first date. She walks in
and introduces herself to him, they sit down to talk and she tells him about
the problems about her journey there and how she was expecting the place to be
better. he then proposes to her and she rejects him and walks out. We used many
different shots here such as close up, medium shot and even a tracking shot, we
also used action shots here to vary our range of shots. In this scene we also
used Barthes theory of enigma, we did this by finishing on the Wag walking out
the restaurant and her date running after her, we finished the scene on this so
it would leave the audience thinking, did he go after her or does she just
leave. We then moved onto editing our opening sequence. For this we used Adobe
Premiere Pro, the software helped us with many scenes, as one of scenes had
problems with lights we were able to make it more lighter, it let us add more
things into the scene, such as music. We also added a voice over which made our
opening sequence seem more professional.
After finishing filming I moved onto my print
work, this was my magazine cover and the double page spread which would feature
inside of it. To produce both I used Adobe Photoshop, for my magazine cover, I
had to make a souvenir magazine cover, and I decided to use the picture of the
protagonist on the front, the magazine cover was aimed at mainly women from the
age of 16 to 35, mainly because I believed that women would mainly buy a
magazine about a dating show, on the front cover I tell the audience what will
be featured on this inside and what people can read about the protagonist, the
colour scheme I used was blue and pink, this is because I also believed that
these colours are more feminine and would appeal to my target audience. The
double page spread then also appealed to my primary target audience of women
from the age of 16 - 35, the double page spread featured pictures of the
protagonist, it also featured an interview which let the audience in on an
exclusive about her personal life. I also used a quote on the top of the double
page spread so it catches the readers eye and engages the audience. In both the
front cover and the double page spread, we see the protagonists pictures on
them, and the picture were specifically
taken and chosen, the outfits were also
chosen for the different pictures so we could make the character look like a
Wag and be in character. So the audience can believe this is what she is like
at home and on TV.
In our short sequence all of the characters
shown are all Asian, so we specifically chose Asian people and we represented
them in two ways, in one way we reinforced the stereotype of how all illegal
men in West London just want to get married to get a passport for only comedic
purposes but then we subverted the stereotype held by some people who see Asian girls as very
intelligent and not very out - going and we completely subverted this stereotype
and showed an Asian girl as very outgoing and actually instead of having a
traditional arranged marriage, she is on a dating show looking for love. This
may have been offensive to some audience members as they would not want to see
an Asian girl on TV looking for love she should be domestic and stay at home.
This would have been a stereotype seen by our secondary audience who were men
and over 30, we would not expect our younger generation to have this view but
the majority of the older generation would.
The third brief would have been an e-media
marketing campaign which could have helped me address my target audience, as it
would have targeted an audience on many social networking websites such as
"twitter and facebook", this
could have been helpful as we would have been able to appeal to a wider
audience. I would have created a home page, and two other pages consisting of
many interactive things such as online exclusive interviews and games. It would
also have an active section where you would be able to see what people are
tweeting about our show 'Our Lives'. We would have also featured things such as
competitions and websites where you could ask questions for the characters and
leave feedback of the show and what they would like for a second series. I
would have also added music onto the webpage so people could have listened
while surfing the website. Also links to the twitter pages and facebook pages.
Overall, I think that my group and I did well
to meet the original brief as we thoroughly went through the brief and the
OFCOM website, so we made sure we could not show any violence that could
enforce the younger audience to carry out actions such as those shown on the
show, and as the show would be shown during the watershed period, we also did
not have any swearwords. I also think that our product would be successful in
the media marketplace as we found a gap in the market, and this gap could be
filled successfully by us, as the first show would draw in a lot of the Asian
community, so they can laugh at the comedic features of the show and once
hooked, it could be a good way to get word of mouth around.
Tuesday, 26 March 2013
Easter Revision List
What do others know that you do not ?
- Blumler and Katz Theory
- Barthes theory of signs
- Geo-demographic
- Aspects of the actual media text
- Physcographics -Young and rubicans.
What were your EBI's ?
Proof read over work when you have finished, write more about theories such as Bulmer and Katz and Barthes. Talk more about physco graphics and demographics. Refer back to the text more and demonstrate a better understanding of the actual text.
Thursday, 21 March 2013
Mest 1 Exam
Question 1: How does the text both subvert and reinforce the typical conventions for a newspaper front page? (12 marks)
The front cover for the 'i' magazine both subverts and reinforces the typical conventions for a newspaper front page by visualing image ratio, giving us information that assumes significant cultural and social knowledge and also by encoding institutional messages through word choices, we see many different codes and conventions on the front cover, the masthead is on the left of the page, and very big so it could show that i magazine is not as well known as other newspapers such as 'The Sun', the theme of the magazine is to celebrate the Queens diamond Jubilee, so the colours chosen by the editors are the same as the colours from the Union Jack, we see right in the middle of the front cover it says "A RIGHT ROYAL PARTY". By saying this the audience can tell that the aim of this edition is to promote the Diamond Jubilee and letting its audience know that it is the week of the Diamond Jubilee, the colours of "ROYAL" also fit in with the theme of Royalty as they are the colour of the Union Jack. From Barthes theory of sign, we can also tell that the three colours of Red Blue and White connote the celebrations taking place around the Country for the Diamond Jubilee. So this edition of i newspaper reinforcing the typical conventions of a front page.
Furthermore, we see what will be on the inside of the magazine on the front cover too, so its encoding institutional messages through word choice, it has sections of sport and gossip which will attract other reads towards the magazine. We also see at the top of the magazine it says 'News Paper' of the year, so its trying to attract other audiences to it, saying that event though it is not as popular as other magazines such as '|The Sun', it was still voted as newspaper of the year.
Media Institutions
Why might the ‘i’ newspaper have been successful in a newspaper industry that has generally been in decline?(12 marks)
The front cover for the 'i' magazine both subverts and reinforces the typical conventions for a newspaper front page by visualing image ratio, giving us information that assumes significant cultural and social knowledge and also by encoding institutional messages through word choices, we see many different codes and conventions on the front cover, the masthead is on the left of the page, and very big so it could show that i magazine is not as well known as other newspapers such as 'The Sun', the theme of the magazine is to celebrate the Queens diamond Jubilee, so the colours chosen by the editors are the same as the colours from the Union Jack, we see right in the middle of the front cover it says "A RIGHT ROYAL PARTY". By saying this the audience can tell that the aim of this edition is to promote the Diamond Jubilee and letting its audience know that it is the week of the Diamond Jubilee, the colours of "ROYAL" also fit in with the theme of Royalty as they are the colour of the Union Jack. From Barthes theory of sign, we can also tell that the three colours of Red Blue and White connote the celebrations taking place around the Country for the Diamond Jubilee. So this edition of i newspaper reinforcing the typical conventions of a front page.
Furthermore, we see what will be on the inside of the magazine on the front cover too, so its encoding institutional messages through word choice, it has sections of sport and gossip which will attract other reads towards the magazine. We also see at the top of the magazine it says 'News Paper' of the year, so its trying to attract other audiences to it, saying that event though it is not as popular as other magazines such as '|The Sun', it was still voted as newspaper of the year.
Media Institutions
Why might the ‘i’ newspaper have been successful in a newspaper industry that has generally been in decline?(12 marks)
We see that the 'i' newspaper has been successful in the newspaper industry that has been generally in decline, this could be due to the fact that the newspaper has been much cheaper now as they are selling it for 20p instead of 50p+ like how other magazines would, it has become as cheap as 'The Sun' but 'The Sun' has been changing its prices over the years unlike 'i' newspaper which dropped its price recently and it has kept at that price, we also see that on weekends their is only a 10p rise so its audience is not majorly effected its audience, we see that its primary audience would be the older generation so people over the age of 30 as we see the 'i' newspaper is more sophisticated than others. Furthermore on the front cover of the magazine, their price is at the top so it tells people that this newspaper is very cheap, we do not see any current affairs on the front page except for the Diamond Jubilee, it is not gossiping about celebrities so people could see it as a more sophisticated newspaper.
Media Audiences
What would you expect the ‘i’ newspaper’s target audience to be based on this front page? (12 marks)
What would you expect the ‘i’ newspaper’s target audience to be based on this front page? (12 marks)
We would expect the target audience of 'i' newspaper to be more sophisticated than those of 'The Sun', 'i' newspaper talks about current affairs which do not involve celebrity gossip, so the psychographics of the audience would be rich,sophisticated businessman who work in a place like canary wharf , so our expectations of this audience would be very high, the demographics of the audience would generally be succeeders who buy the newspaper to check stock prices rather than gossip about celebrities. Using Katz and Blumers theory of uses and gratifications, the audience is more likely to read this newspaper are the older generation who are 30+. Also tourists may buy this newspaper as it is cheap, being so cheap and it is also a Diamond Jubilee edition so being so cheap many tourists might buy it to see current affairs about Britain.
The crosswords on the front also appeal to people travelling to work, so the magazine could be for people travelling to work too so enforcing the stereotype that the newspaper is for businessmen.
Media Representations
How is Britain represented in this text? (12 marks)
How is Britain represented in this text? (12 marks)
The front cover of the magazine is based on the Diamond Jubilee so as expected there is pictures of the Queen and the concert. The images are of Buckingham Palace and she is sort of smiling, it shows that the people of Britain are patriotic, the fact that they are printing of editions to celebrate their Queen. The Queen is also shown as smiling so she is portrayed as happy. She is representing Britain to the world and showing that it is still a good country no matter what has happened in previous times.It also shows that many people would read this edition of 'i' due to the fact that Britain has been represented in a positive way. The stereotype that British people are very good in enforced so it shows how 'i' newspaper may have shown Britain in a certain way to enforce this stereotype. From Barthes theory of sign, we can also tell that the three colours of Red Blue and White connote the celebrations taking place around the Country for the Diamond Jubilee. So this edition of i newspaper reinforcing the typical conventions of a front page.
Monday, 18 March 2013
Sunday, 24 February 2013
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
Plan B - Case Study Powerpoint
Mise en Scene Planning
One of the pre production tasks was to look at the Mise en scene of our program.
As shown in our presentation we have already looked at a number of different cast members who fit the role of our characters well. We are also hoping to work closely with the schools drama department in order to cast the correct members for our production in order to make it as professional as possible.
We have also briefly discussed locations in our presentation. When discussing on locations for characters such as the immigrant we thought of Southall Broadway but later came to the conclusion it would be inappropriate because of the riots in 1984 it could offend a number of people and also break ofcom's rules. Other highly Asian populated areas such as Hounslow will be used instead. We will also be having scenes shot in estates, gyms and boxing arena's alone.
When considering lighting we decided it would be best for the type of program it is to leave it looking as natural as possible and so we have decided to use no particular lighting and just natural lighting.
Each character will possess different props. For example the failed boxer will carry boxing gloves, the failed WAG would carry a handbag with an animal inside of it.
The costumes worn by the actors is a very important aspect in this program as it will be what allows the audience to differentiate the characters with for example the failed boxer is likely to be wearing boxing clothes such as shorts and so the audience are able to recognize and identify with him.
Weekly Targets
Tweets analysis
Progress report
Action plan
Re-work script and post on blog
Mr smith - photography lighting
Research documentary conclusion
Upload location shot
documentary on blog
Shooting schedule
Magazzine cover on photoshop
Shoot new magazine images
Use a tripod
Cutaway shots
Re-consider boxe
Progress report
Action plan
Re-work script and post on blog
Mr smith - photography lighting
Research documentary conclusion
Upload location shot
documentary on blog
Shooting schedule
Magazzine cover on photoshop
Shoot new magazine images
Use a tripod
Cutaway shots
Re-consider boxe
Monday, 11 February 2013
Sunday, 10 February 2013
Progress Report/ Action Plan
Progress -
This week we have began filming and the opening scenes have been filmed, we have also made changes to the script. We also took lessons from the drama teacher and found better locations for our production.
Action Plan -
This week we will try to get one characters filming over and done with. Also plan the magazine cover properly.
This week we have began filming and the opening scenes have been filmed, we have also made changes to the script. We also took lessons from the drama teacher and found better locations for our production.
Action Plan -
This week we will try to get one characters filming over and done with. Also plan the magazine cover properly.
Front magazine cover Pictures
4. The good thing about this picture is that you can see the character smiling, she is not looking at the camera so it seems like she is not looking down at the audience but is in the same social status as the audience not above them. She is in outfit for the shoot so it seems as she always seems this way, not putting on a front for the audience.
5. The good thing about this picture is the pose done by the character, the props are in place, and she has the bag in her hand so it seems as she is ready for the shoot, but in this one she is looking directly at the camera so she may be looking down at the audience as she may be superior to them.
7. The good thing about this picture is the way the bag is positioned, it could be better if the bag was put more into the photo. If this is done so then the bag is emphasised in the photo and the audience can relate with the character.
8. One thing good about this image is that the character is looking directly at the audience, by doing so she is directly addressing the audience, it is also high key lighting so the light is all natural, and by not wearing make up even though she is a wag she may be showing that she is more natural than fake.
6. One way this photo could be improved is if there was more props, but the way the hair has been positioned is different to other images so in some ways it looks better but the props such as the bag need to be in the image.
9. The reason why this picture has been ranked at the bottom is due to the fact the way the characters face looks, she does not seem happy enough to be on a front cover of a magazine, so it seems as if she is not interested.
2. The good thing about this picture is that you can see the character smiling, she is not looking at the camera so it seems like she is not looking down at the audience but is in the same social status as the audience not above them. She is in outfit for the shoot so it seems as she always seems this way, not putting on a front for the audience. Also she is positioned differently in this image so it seems as if she is more happier and in the 'mood' for a photo shoot.
3.One thing good about this image is that the character is looking directly at the audience, by doing so she is directly addressing the audience, it is also high key lighting so the light is all natural, and by not wearing make up even though she is a wag she may be showing that she is more natural than fake. On the other hand the way this photo could be improved is if there was more props, but the way the hair has been positioned is different to other images so in some ways it looks better but the props such as the bag need to be in the image.
5. The good thing about this picture is the pose done by the character, the props are in place, and she has the bag in her hand so it seems as she is ready for the shoot, but in this one she is looking directly at the camera so she may be looking down at the audience as she may be superior to them.
7. The good thing about this picture is the way the bag is positioned, it could be better if the bag was put more into the photo. If this is done so then the bag is emphasised in the photo and the audience can relate with the character.
8. One thing good about this image is that the character is looking directly at the audience, by doing so she is directly addressing the audience, it is also high key lighting so the light is all natural, and by not wearing make up even though she is a wag she may be showing that she is more natural than fake.
6. One way this photo could be improved is if there was more props, but the way the hair has been positioned is different to other images so in some ways it looks better but the props such as the bag need to be in the image.
9. The reason why this picture has been ranked at the bottom is due to the fact the way the characters face looks, she does not seem happy enough to be on a front cover of a magazine, so it seems as if she is not interested.
2. The good thing about this picture is that you can see the character smiling, she is not looking at the camera so it seems like she is not looking down at the audience but is in the same social status as the audience not above them. She is in outfit for the shoot so it seems as she always seems this way, not putting on a front for the audience. Also she is positioned differently in this image so it seems as if she is more happier and in the 'mood' for a photo shoot.

Monday, 4 February 2013
Tutorial Targets
More detailed analysis of Tweets - What specific ideas will you use?
2) Weekly Progress Report
3) Action Plan
- What
- Who's Responsible
- By When?
4) Re-Work Script
- Written room resource
- Coner New Font
- Written layout inc. Stage directions etc
5) Get training from Mr Artus (Rohit and Anil)
6) Mr Smith in Photography: Lighting
7) Research documentary conventions (Interview) - Lighting etc
8) Images of Research/Locations
9) All Documentation (including script) on blogs
10) Shooting Scheduale - Specific dates / times
2) Weekly Progress Report
3) Action Plan
- What
- Who's Responsible
- By When?
4) Re-Work Script
- Written room resource
- Coner New Font
- Written layout inc. Stage directions etc
5) Get training from Mr Artus (Rohit and Anil)
6) Mr Smith in Photography: Lighting
7) Research documentary conventions (Interview) - Lighting etc
8) Images of Research/Locations
9) All Documentation (including script) on blogs
10) Shooting Scheduale - Specific dates / times
Thursday, 31 January 2013
Tuesday, 22 January 2013
Plan B audience profile
The reason why the target audience I picked was this is due to the fact that we have seen the movie insist of this type of audience, majority of actors in the movie are Black teenagers, who are born in the UK, they have been raised on an estate majority of their life and they are getting about in life by selling drugs, most of them are addicted to drugs, due to been sold them at a young age to try and fit in with older gangs on the same estate. The audience profile is the same as the actual actors, they have been targeted by Plan B to try and stop them carrying on the same life as they are in the movies, Plan B has especially targeted Aspirer's to make them aspire for something else not the 'Hood' life which many have already been associated with. Also majority are teenagers as they will want to watch a movie that consists of: Sex, Drugs and Money.
Sunday, 20 January 2013
Thursday, 17 January 2013
Sunday, 6 January 2013
Research and Planning
•Our Lives’ will be a
fly on the wall documentary about 3 people’s lives, our genre will be comedic
and it will show the funny side of people’s lives.
•There will be 3 types
of people –
•One will a failed
Boxer; he will be a young man who is an aspiring Boxer, but as the genre is
comedic, aspiring is all he will ever be. This boxer will be getting ready for
his 5th
fight, which he will go on to lose. The boxer will be shown as someone who show
himself up a lot.
•Secondly, another
character will be ‘The Wag’. We will show the comedic side of a young girl who
thinks she is a wag, she is brought up on an estate and as much as she tries to
be like other wags. It doesn’t work out for her either.
•Finally our last
character will be the immigrant. This character will be one who’s just flown in
from a different country but is currently hiding from the authorities and we
will enforce current stereotypes on how people see him and how he actually is.
•Our TV programme will
be of the genre of comedy. We will have a lot of iconography to show the genre
being comedic, such as the costumes the characters will be wearing, the stuff
around them.
•Our short 2 minute
video will show theory's such as Todorovs where we will try to show a
equilibrium and disequilibrium, we will try to restore what went wrong in the
short time.
•Stereotypes will be
shown for all three characters but it will not be in our intention to offend
anyone. Their will be no use of racial abuse or swear words, so even though it
is comedic we will still ‘protect the under 18s’.
•The sound will be
very important in this video as for majority of the 2 minutes there will be a
voice over which will need a special type of voice so we will have to recruit
someone with a special type of voice.
•The lighting will
mostly be natural, in some scenes we may use filler lights or top lighting to
make it look more real.
•It will be hard to
appeal to all audiences with the type of documentary we will be doing so we
will have a specific target audience. Our target audience will be 14-27 year
olds, we will appeal to our target audience but attacking the stereotypes
usually seen in public. The stereotypes will be enforced.
•The class we will
mainly aiming at is aspirers as we will show how people have failed aspiring
these things but this will also show them what should not be done to follow the
dreams they are following.
•The gender that will
be aimed at will be both Men and Woman, there will be both genders being shown
on the show and we will not attack the sexist stereotype as it may offend
certain people.
•Ethnicity and
Sexuality will also not be attacked as we will not be trying to offend people
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