5. The good thing about this picture is the pose done by the character, the props are in place, and she has the bag in her hand so it seems as she is ready for the shoot, but in this one she is looking directly at the camera so she may be looking down at the audience as she may be superior to them.
7. The good thing about this picture is the way the bag is positioned, it could be better if the bag was put more into the photo. If this is done so then the bag is emphasised in the photo and the audience can relate with the character.
8. One thing good about this image is that the character is looking directly at the audience, by doing so she is directly addressing the audience, it is also high key lighting so the light is all natural, and by not wearing make up even though she is a wag she may be showing that she is more natural than fake.
6. One way this photo could be improved is if there was more props, but the way the hair has been positioned is different to other images so in some ways it looks better but the props such as the bag need to be in the image.
9. The reason why this picture has been ranked at the bottom is due to the fact the way the characters face looks, she does not seem happy enough to be on a front cover of a magazine, so it seems as if she is not interested.
2. The good thing about this picture is that you can see the character smiling, she is not looking at the camera so it seems like she is not looking down at the audience but is in the same social status as the audience not above them. She is in outfit for the shoot so it seems as she always seems this way, not putting on a front for the audience. Also she is positioned differently in this image so it seems as if she is more happier and in the 'mood' for a photo shoot.

1. The reason why I choose this as the best picture is because the character's face seems right for the photo, she is also holding the bag in a way so it is shown on the front cover, the way she is positioned and the pose she is doing is also good for a front cover and having the dark background it also looks good.
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